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Project Information

USB-TWI Interface

This project shows how to interface via a USB one microcontroller with a PC. It can be used on Linux or Windows without any additional driver.

This project was registered on SourceForge.net on , and is described by the project team as follows:

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About Open Source:

Of benefit to users, Open Source software is licensed so you can download and use the software free-of-charge. The source code for this software is made available free-of-charge, you (or a programmer you hire) can make changes to this software to better meet your needs, and you can release your changed code back to the community passing the benefit on to other users.

The exact license terms used by this project on their project summary page and in the licensing documents included in their downloads.


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To join this project, please contact the project administrators of this project, as shown on the project summary page.

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Source code for this project may be available as downloads or through the CVS or Subversion SCM repository used by the project, as accessible from the project summary page.

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If you are a web page developer interested in this project, please consider reaching out to the project admin (per the "Join this project" section, above) to offer your assistance.

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